Cookie Policy

The cookie is a small text file containing a certain amount of information exchanged between a website and your terminal (usually the browser) and is normally used by the operator of the website to store the information necessary to improve navigation within the site or to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the net. When you visit the same site again or any other site, the user’s device checks for a recognized cookie, so you can read the information it contains. The different cookies contain different information and are used for different purposes (efficient navigation in the pages of the same site, profiling in order to send targeted promotional messages, analysis of the number of visits to the site).

During navigation, the user can also receive cookies sent from sites or from different web servers (so-called third parties) on his terminal, on which some elements may exist (eg images, maps, sounds, specific links to other pages domains) on the site that the user is visiting.

More generally, some cookies (called session cookies) are assigned to the user’s device only for the duration of access to the site and expire automatically when the browser is closed. Other cookies (defined as persistent) remain in the device for a prolonged period of time.

The specific purposes of the different types of cookies installed on this site are described below.

You can disable cookies by following the information below.

Features and purposes of cookies installed by the site
Technical cookies:

These are cookies used specifically to allow the proper operation and use of our sites. For example, technical cookies are used for the user login functionality. They are provided primarily by the site servers or, in the case of integration of external services such as social networks, by third parties.

Profiling cookies:

These are cookies used to send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of surfing the net. This site does not provide or use first-party profiling cookies; for information and to disable profiling cookies provided by third parties go to the site

Analytical cookies:

These are cookies used for statistical analysis, to improve the site and simplify its use as well as to monitor its correct functioning. This type of cookie collects anonymous information on the activity of users on the site. This type of cookie is provided exclusively by third parties.

For information and to disable third-party analytical cookies go to the website:

Accepting and waiving cookies

By continuing to browse this site by closing the information folder or by clicking on any part of the page or scrolling to highlight further content, you accept this Cookie Policy and cookies are set and collected. In case of non-acceptance of cookies by abandonment of navigation, any cookies already registered locally in the browser will remain registered there but will no longer be read or used until a subsequent and eventual acceptance of the Policy. You will always be able to remove these cookies at any time through the methods mentioned in the paragraph "Managing cookies".

Cookie management

The provision of all cookies, both first and third parties, can be disabled by adjusting the settings of the browser in use; It is good to note, however, that this could make the sites unusable if you block the cookies that are essential for the provision of functionality.
Each browser has different settings for deactivating cookies; below we propose links to the instructions for the most common browsers.
• Microsoft Internet Explorer
• Microsoft Edge
• Google Chrome
• Mozilla Firefox
• Apple Safari
• Opera

Third-party sites.

Third-party sites which can be accessed through this website are not covered by this statement.We disclaim all responsibility for them.The categories of cookies used and the type of processing of personal data by these companies are governed in accordance with the information provided from these companies.